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Seashell Jar

Hello all! Welcome to crafty dragon, where I record all my creating adventures. Today on this insanely cloudy, rainy day, my mind wandered to the beach. I thought to myself, why should I not start my blog with a beach-y craft to make?

So today I would like to share this beautiful seashell jar. A former honey jar, up cycled to look cute and hold all your things. I just jars for so many things: from holding pencils, to beads, to paintbrushes. What sorts of things will yours hold?

Getting started:

1. Gather your materials: Jar (duh), hot glue gun, paint, paintbrush, seashells (real or fake. It doesn't matter), cord, a pair of scissors, and your imagination.


2. Paint your shells.

This is the fun part. Get your paints (acrylic works best, but regular craft paint works too.) and paint whatever you like. There is plenty of ideas out there. Show your personality! I used a blue scheme because blue is my favorite color. What sorts of things could you do?

3. If you like, paint the top of the jar.

I decided to experiment and paint the top of the jar. I don't know how well that will work for all jars, but I have high hopes for this part on mine. I also painted a mustache and beard on the shopko model. ;)

4. Glue the seashells to the lid.

5. Add seashell dangle thingy. Take your cord and tie it to the jar just below the lid. Make sure not to make the ends too short or you will not have room to add the shell. Make the ends nice and long.

Next, make a knot in the middle of the string. This will help you glue on the shell as shown in the next few photos.

This last photo was a little blurry, but it just shows the shell glued onto the knot you made.

6. The last thing I did was paint on some blue polka dots with leftover paint to add a little pop to it.

TA-DA! There is my seashell jar. I hope you enjoyed this project, and I'll post some more in the near future!

Flames and fire,

Crafty Dragon

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